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Hey. Thanks for even taking the time to look through your files for me. I'm touched, honestly. I get so scared to ever ask people things like that so you made my day. Through some crafty snooping I was able to find their catalog on a JP website and the song on YouTube.  So thanks again! XD

(Here's the link. It leads to that song specifically but maybe you can find the other song you were looking for. :

I'll definitely look into your micro jams. I'm invested in your creative prowess now. Hang in there!

No problem :3 I know what you mean cos I always worry if I’m bothering people or not >.< As the saying goes though, you won’t know if you don’t ask x3 

That’s pretty neat you were able to find their stuff though! I clicked on like 3 links when I gave it a go, and they were all just dead ones, haha. I gave up pretty quickly after that xD Cheers for letting me know :3 

And just thanks for being so sweet in general! You hang in there yourself ^-^