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Very nice! This is sort of small, granted, but I do appreciate the peaceful and vibrantly colorful mood you achieved here, and while I often love various other game genres (strategy, etc) I do definitely have a soft spot for some slower-paced experiences like this that focus on beautifully realized spaces. I think it was kind of inevitable that the walking-sim subgenre would emerge at some point in the 2000s once the realtime graphics tech made a wide range of genuinely pretty environments possible. There were early signs that this could become a thing with games like 'Myst' but it took a while for devs to actually eschew puzzles and obstacles entirely and make projects in which the gameworld and exploration stood entirely on its own. I'm a game dev myself and am personally attempting to hit some sort of balanced middle ground between the overly obtuse and densely packed puzzle designs of traditional old-school adventure games and the more open wandering-around walking sim format with my project Miniature Multiverse. It's kind of quirky analog art style [O scale miniature-art settings] but it's yet another example of an attempt to create a relaxed and artful exploratory experience. 

Anyway, I'm now following you and am curious to see what you make next. :)