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Very well polished! Singularity has a distinct art style, good puzzle design, and fits the theme of "One Time Use." I would enjoy a longer version of this game. The narrative was interesting, and I like that the "win condition" was to push towards the black hole. I don't know why I like that, though XD. I do wish something would have happened when I tried to pull away, even if the point was that it was inescapable.

I also wish that the movement speed was a little faster, even while running, but it wasn't a dealbreaker.

Overall great work! You completed a fun and complete game that fit the theme.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your comment!

I'm glad to know that you managed to win the game! And yes, I agree with what you said about being left with nothing when you make a decision that leads to losing the game. It's really crazy because I played the game thousands of times while developing it, but I only realized it this morning, and it was already impossible to make a correction.

Thank you very much for your feedback!! Honestly, I would love to make an extended version or a continuation after entering the black hole.

Take care! And again, thank you for reaching out to me!