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I was laughing my heart out! Too bad I ran into some "failed to load picture" errors and then it crashed, :(

(1 edit) (+1)

hey! so glad to hear that you are enjoying our game :) would you mind telling us where the error happened (the piece of dialogue that crashed the game) so that we can fix it? thanks! 

(this will updated after the jam ends to avoid breaking any rules)

The first time was when I was walking on the souther village. I was going left and I got the first error but managed to keep playing, then I entered a house and the game froze.


ok, thank you for the info! we've fixed the bug and after the jam ends, we'll upload a fixed version. to avoid this bug , just don't talk to the npcs walking around the southern village(other than dot and joanna, as they are vital to the storyline). hopefully that helps! :)