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I think you got the big things :)! Also curious if you tried looking at the console logging. My attitude toward escapism is complex (if you want to read a cogent and less defeatist defense of escapism, try Tolkien’s On Fairy Stories if you haven’t – some of it he grounds in his Christianity, but a lot of it is applicable regardless), and this game is definitely a lot more one-sidedly negative toward everyday life than I tend to feel

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I haven't check out the console logging. I went to dev tools at some point, and I didn't see anything though I might have not looked at the actual console itself. I'm actually a Christian myself. I never really considered escapism to be compatible with Christianity or something similar to that.

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Then you really should check “On Fairy Stories” out! Might not convince you, but it’s food for thought. It’s pretty long but you can find it free online.