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Nice, I really enjoyed it! It reminded me of a game from the GMTK 23. Nice game! I have basically no complaints! One complaint is that the music is relaxing but I think it needs some variety. Other than that I loved it. The art was fantastic! If you have time could you come rate my game?


Do you remember which GMTK 23 submission that was? tbh I didn't follow this jam very thoroughly so I only know about like, 2 - 3 games from this jam hehe

The Shopkeeper Is Saving Up For An Ice Cream Machine! is the gmtk 


Oh yeah I can see the resemblance (relaxing vibe and guitar music)

Did you take part in the GMTK 23? If so can you tell me the name so that I can play it?

No I didn't. :) Did you?

I did! I would love it if you tried it out! Tell me what you think! It's called Better Cluck Next Time.

I've played your GMTK23 game, and I must admit you got me at the trap soundtrack hahaha + you can actually time your chicken splashing right to provide to the beat xD

Thanks for playing it! Could you follow me so that if it comes out as a full release you'll know?

also yeah, the music is really repetitive xD I had ideas for additional parts to the song but time was against me