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Interesting game. I think it could go one of two ways.

For a more fun game, action would work better for the fantasy game. Then its like you run around and shoot things and need to find a safe places to respond to emails. Lots of humor on the work side with fuming bosses getting impatient lol.

For a more artsy game, I think there's clear ways the real world sets you up for failure mechanically that could be used. The work could be easy but if you do it promptly, all you get is meaningless praise and more work until it's naturally too much. The fantasy game could have gatcha with a lot of duplicates and grinding mechanics that go nowhere. Maybe even money you get from work you can funnel into the game with no real benefit. What would the ending be? Not sure. Hopefully some sort of realization that without a fun game (or hobbies, dreams, passions), work is meaningless.

 Just some random thoughts. Cool idea!


Thank you for your advice! Truly useful!

The fantasy side will definitely become better experience as anything like action, platforming or even RPGMaker-styled games, rather than just clicking, which is now duplicating the interaction experience with the "real" side. Besides, those more "playable" ways will have better visual cues for the "fantasy" concept, as well as enhancing the metaphors of the "unstability" of the fantasy worlds.

And the work side can have more staged feedback to make a rhythmic cycle, and include more humor, absolutely.

I love the idea of wasting money in gatcha! That's too real, and sad, bringing everyhing into another level. I'd never add this in my game XD.