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  • display coins out of menu next to healthbar or something, i feel like it would be a hassle having to open your inventory each time
  • maybe some sort of stamina? it makes the player be more conservative when dashing
  • when changing scenes i think the player should be able to go off screen instead of the player becoming frozen just on the edge
  • i think the player should be able to throw objects with left click, i found myself constantly clicking left click and dropping the object instead of throwing it
  • i opened the controls and got overwhelmed, if you could, you should make it easier to read, like for moving left instead of key:left or key:a, you should make it LeftArrow and A, most people are used to that
  • during the press any button to continue phase when you die, you can spam it and have the fading multiple times.
  • health bar resets before the player death screen shows up

What I liked:

Solid gameplay, combat is really good, hopefully soon you are adding extra combos, first boss was fun, i love the art. I really loved the transportation into the sky dungeon, animation was really good. I love how you fall off the entire island and land on the ground once you fall.