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Hello, I wanted to tell you that I love your game and I can't wait to see more stuff done by you. If this was a side project, I am very curious about the game that gets your main focus and effort

I am a fellow self taught game developer who decided to start making a NSFW RWBY game and I am planning to open a patreon page to recieve the fundings for creating it. I already put together a team, wrote a script, commisioned artworks to the artists working with me, but I recently started getting worried about the copyright issue. Since you also have a patreon page for a RWBY fangame, can I ask you how you feel about the risk of your game being taken down by RT? Did you do something in particular that shielded you from the risk of it happening? Or are you just hoping for them not to find out? I really hope you can help me clear my doubts

P sure It's a 0 risk since I'm getting paid on patreon not selling anything with the RWBY IP. Can't say 100% but it dosn't bug me much anyway. I hope your project turns out well also btw o7 <3

thank you for taking the time to reply. Yeah I also read on the RT website that they allow any fan project as long as they get posted for free, and Patreon allows us do that while also allowing people to give money to us and not to buy the project directly

That being said, would you be interested in an advertisment exchange? Once my patreon page is open (probably in like two weeks from now) I will add a link to your page "introducing" my audience to your fan-game and you might do the same with my page. If that is alright with you, of course

I don't really mess with that kind of stuff sorry. You can feel free to show everyone in the discord if you want though.

oh really? Thank you very much for your kindness then and have a good day

You too chief o7 good luck again.

what will the name of your game be im willing to play it but please dont do how jpde and team cblt does their rwby games which they are good and im not complaining but id like if there was a game based in the rwby universe where you start at season one and you can either be a male or female with a custimizable name and you can build your weapon and gain other abilities.

This game is not my main project and will not have more story content then it already has other than new girls that join from time to time.