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Thank you so much for making this version! It works with my newer laptop with Windows 11. I endured the original on my Apple //e and never finished, but I love the game (I must be masochistic) and now I can potentially complete it. My only question is that I went into Kawahara's lair and he wasn't there, nor was the document. The other evil wizard, in Tokugawa, was also missing. Is there something I might have done to make them disappear?

It looks like the default scenarios a&b are not pristine disks from the masters. It’s my fault entirely. I will need to fix that but I can’t get to it until about a week from now. :(

I released version that should have the pristine images in the correct directory, I hope.

However, in your case, what you should do is reboot the game, press 'C' in the menu for "character options". Then insert the scenario disks (from the menu or "alt >", and tell it to "disperse existing group". Then reassemble the group and play again. Your adventurers will keep all their skills and inventory, and the world should reset.