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(1 edit) (+1)

I looove the cast! ^^_ there are so many colourful characters to fall in love with~ n__n I don't often struggle to pick a favourite, but xou've created so many attractive beastmen that it's hard to pick just 1ne! xD buuut I think i'mma go with Derrick UwU can't beat that kind-hearted husbando type :p

I really like the art, it's absolutely wonderful, and while the title is great, it sounds fairly similar to a lot of other VNs out there, so I would highly advise changing the name to help make xour project stand out amid the rest :)

Xou guys have done a great job so far ^__^ keep up all the good work! >.</


Thank you so much! your words are very encouraging, I'm so happy that you liked our characters (I'm sure derrick will be very happy  that you chose him)!

Thanks for letting us know about the title problem. We don't know what to do about it yet but we will keep it in mind.