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Hey Toby, did you manage to find a team yet? Interested in joining us? We have a sound designer already, but could definitely benefit from a composer too. Also, we love your work :)

Hi Zmei! Thank you :) Would love to join with you as composer! Have you got any previous work I could take a look at between you guys?

Hey Toby, thanks, that sounds great! To be honest, we don't really have a portfolio. This is our first jam and we never worked together before, although we know each other from quite some time. 

Two people from the team work for Black Sea Games and the others are coming from other industries (one full-stack web developer, one AI/robotics engineer and one UX/UI designer).  I personally have been working on Unity as a hobby for a few years now.

Most of us are located in Eastern Europe (EET) and two of us are living in Canada (EST).

That's awesome Zmei! :) Sounding like a diverse team from all walks of the world, can't wait to work with you all! Feel absolutely free to add me to any group conversations over social media you have, would be great to say hello to everybody formally too :)

Awesome! Do you use Discord?

I do yes! My username is TobyEllis#6456 :) 

Thanks! Just added you.