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The graphics and dash animation were smooth and the player felt satisfying to play.

The fan past the springs spikes. Where do I begin.

The spikes combined with the springs and dash mechanic make for a really fun mechanic. With how it is set up, I found the challenge to be quite grueling personally, but the area specific spawn points made it easily re-doable.

I saw there was a point of interest by the fan only after I activated it, seeing the soon to disappear sign after I activated the fan. Dread filled me, knowing I would miss such a far-flung secret. How could I have missed it? It was right there on the map, and yet I had no idea until it was too late. All of the platforming, all of the deaths, only for my curiosity to be set ablaze right when freedom was finally in the mouse’s grasp.

I debated not going back through the spikes, remembering what pain they surely must have brought the little mouse who simply wished to escape the facility, but I really wanted to see the secret. The mouse’s desires for freedom, and all the joys that would surely bring, they could wait. I needed to find the last secret!

And so I went through the spikes again, and it was quite the challenge, but I would learn from the countless lives I lived before, remembering the spikes my pixelly little character endlessly fell to. Slowly I begun to hone my abilities. The mouse knew what I wanted them to do, growing more dexterous with each attempt. They knew their freedom, and more importantly my curiosity, was at stake. And eventually, I emerged once again by that fan, trembling with the excitement of finding that one last point of interest.

I climbed up the springs to the secret, thinking it would be something different from the likes of the pit of death and the dad-joke spider.

I was wrong.

5/5 (I really enjoyed this game!)


Thanks for the kind words! Your story gave me a very good chuckle. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading this comment!