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A 240p video made it really hard for me to learn this game. It's like that one meme where someone makes a dark souls boss and only includes a link to a youtube video in it.

I'm completely lost on what to do in the main world, I'm thrown in without any tutorial or basic guide, and even picking flowers has no visual effect, they just vanish..

Is there a reason you couldn't use basic sound effects?

I think I ended up crafting some kind of letter? But with no information popups on even the towers I am beyond lost. And the lack of information on what this game can even do doesn't help, that's why a lot of games have the end game included in the tutorial, so you get a quick taste of how a decked out epic battle in the game would take place and to get you excited, but the fact I can't progress or even build a first tower (can I even build towers) means I don't know what the game should look like after I DO figure it out.