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oh and there was something off with the camera controls. They would lock up and after experimenting in windowed mode it looked like it was tracking raw mouse position change, rather than raw mouse motion, so it would stop moving the camera my mouse reached the edge of the screen


Thank you for trying overbyte again! We really appreciate it :). I'll definitely look into options for window mode users too as that is fantastic feedback thank you! 

As for the air controls I think making them easier to use would've helped with the cars some as well, I'll see what I can do in the future or once this jam is over, but fantastic! And congratulations on the 29 seconds!!

A leaderboard/Final time was definitely planned, but had to get cut at the last minute due to time constraints funny enough lol, that said I'll see if I can add one in a future build :)

thank you again for trying the game it really made my day to hear it was working for you!