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This is kind of an odd one to judge. Mechanically, this almost exists in a vacuum, and could be attributed to any fantasy TTRPG with 6 ability scores and that general rate for gold. However, this is very well put together. The rules seem solid and have a comparable cognitive load to base shadowdark, maybe going a little more convoluted at points.

Also for general feedback (I'm not counting this in my grade), the rules read as if they assume the audience is familiar with TTRPG warfare mechanics. It didn't totally click how battles worked until page 4, so everything before that lacked context. I would put the battle mechanics first and elaborate on how it gets set up and can play out.


For sure an updated version will include an intro that puts the ideas into perspective! 

I favored cutting it to fit the page limit and pack the other concepts in a clear way.

It's right to say that this is almost system agnostic, but it was designed with Shadowdark in mind and I pushed myself to stay true to the game's approach to rule writing, layout and gameplay loop, hoping it could go side by side with the original manual.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!