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(1 edit) (+1)

Cool idea for a game.

I liked your use of the assets provided, decent amount of variety. Your choice of SFX was good too, really added to the aesthetic of the game. Adheres to the theme very well.

For improvements (I'll try stick to stuff not already mentioned), I'd say that I did not quite understand how the amount of resources a planet needed/provided was determined. Perhaps make it depend more on the planets size and add some text explaining how it works. I'd also recommend adding a speed boost button. Finally, for the camera snap issue, you could add a Rigidbody2D to the camera and then adjust its velocity to move the camera to the desired location.

One thing I will say is your game did capture my imagination. It would be interesting to see what it develops into with more development time/balancing.

Good job!


Thanks for the feedback, these are some great points! The resources were originally planned to be a bit more advanced, but to hit the deadline I just hardcoded them in for each planet (the sprite actually corresponds to the production type!). Thanks for the idea for the camera snap issue, I’ll definitely give that a go, I’m very interested in playing with the camera more to add to my games.