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(1 edit)

unable to verify my email i never get the email even when asking for a resend it never appears and yes i checked the spam folders and such 


Hello, we're aware of an issue with our verification emails ( getting blocked by our host being mistaken for spam. 

We are working on a workaround now, thank you for your patience.

I'm not able to either. Tried two different emails both never got any verification email.

Hello, we're aware of an issue with our verification emails ( getting blocked by our host being mistaken for spam. 

We are working on a workaround now, thank you for your patience.


Thank you for letting us know! :]

Hello, we're aware of an issue with our verification emails ( getting blocked by our host being mistaken for spam. 

We are working on a workaround now, thank you for your patience.

What's even the point in forcing people to make accounts? why not let people use guest accounts or just remove it for the demo? i can get using it for Patreon reasons but no reason to have that for everyone 

Hello. We use a server to manage the exclusivity of account access to our game while we develop it from the ground up for our supporters. It's far from ideal but it's a realistic and necessary part of indie game development in 2023 if you want to be taken seriously. Especially running it as a small team that is aiming to be profitable. Thanks for your patience. Verification email issues have been fixed, if you're still having issue please contact me in the Discord.