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Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there! Though I couldn't set sail on this mysterious game due to technical woes, I glimpsed its mechanics through Discord's virtual telescope, and I must say, they looked as promising as me dreams of findin' buried treasure. The idea of confrontin' me own midlife crisis in a digital world intrigued me like a siren's song. Three stars I'll grant this elusive game, for its potential to be a compass steerin' players through the rough waters of life's choices and consequences, much like I navigate through me own tumultuous midlife scrissi. Aye, it's a treasure worth seekin', me hearties

LOL, that was an awesome review! Thank you so much, it was fun to work on.

But uhh can you explain the "technical woes?" I'd like to allow it to run properly for everyone.