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I "fixed" it temporarily by editing rpg_core.js to have createLinearGradient() have arguments (0,0,1,1) but it resulted in NaN health but not crashing until after returning to Elmgar and traveling to a new map. So the real work around was to retry that battle until she used the alternate move and then also win the fight and now I'm past the 4th dungeon.

So this game had me hooked enough to not only deal with an RPG Maker game but work around that crash so I guess that's a ringing endorsement from me.

Thanks for the detailed bug reports, sorry for the delayed response, I've been trying to finish the latest update up before looking at it. I believe I have it fixed now with patch 0.43.5. There were two issues. First, the game was coded to almost never use the skill that was bugged, giving massive priority to her weakest special ability instead. I was probably testing the ability for some reason or another, and gave it high priority to ensure she'd use it during my test, and didn't change it back. Second, the bugged skill doesn't actually do any damage on it's attack. For some reason, a plugin I added hates for any damage formulas to not have values, even though that's fine with the base game. I originally still used the damage formula to apply the healing state onto Alexandra upon cast, but I just switched that to a common event instead. Let me know if applying that patch doesn't fix things, thanks!