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Impressive visuals !

You should totally do yourself a favor and add some screenshots to your page, cause while the mech on the cover looks cool, the lack of screens doesn’t really let you know what to expect, but i’m glad i tried it cause man what a nice surprise this one was :D

I did not expect a Space Harrier/Afterburner style shooter, and you’ve nailed the style, plus taking advantage of a modern engine to have smooth sprite scaling makes this look top notch ! Gameplay wise this has some tight controls too, and the mouse aiming is always a plus, especially since here you took a bit of a realistic approach where you really have to lead your shots to hit the targets. The scrolling also felt just a bout right to convey a sense of speed.

Just a bit of a shame you have no audio what so ever :( if you add at least some sfx and a background music it would add quite a lot to what’s already there and only further enhance the game.

Solid work, particularly for a solo effort. Well done :)