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Hi there!

Your escape code is right. What I believe is happening is a silent error that is preventing the plugin from work. If you press F8 or F12 and go to the console tab, see if there is any there and send me a screenshot.

But first, just try to refresh the Message actions plugin parameters. Just open it on the plugin manager and click on the parameters. Then close and try the playtest again.

It is like I said. A plugin parameter issue. 

Go into the plugin manager and do like I told on the previous answer.

I'm having the same issue with MessageActions, with the same error in F12. I've tried refreshing the parameters, which then gives me a different error

My Parameters are set to the default


You are not having the same error.  

Your error is probably because you are not using my core plugin,  the Eli Book. It need to be installed, and it need to be above all Eli plugins.

Also make sure you are using the plugin versions that matches your RPG Maker. The MZ ones, has MZ on the filename. The MV ones, does not have MZ on the filename.