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Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed it.

There were some mechanics that didn't get fully fleshed out.

What about the mech could be better?

There are 3 areas of the map to explore with the final being a mech vs mech boss battle.

Each zone has a barricade set up as an upgrade check on the player.

Honestly though I struggled to find my way around the map even though I designed the damn things so it needed some more ways of finding your way around apart from just the radar.

i felt even with the radar kinda lost but without it would be a bad experience i think so good you implemented that. It was a nice experience. Mhh maybe i killed those Boss im not sure, i remember a Huge tank or something :p

I Mean from the Visual appearance and Controls. It feel like a floating Wall-E with Weapons in Ugly Blue xD

Fair enough, perhaps I didnt present the mech in the best possible light but I've got to defend our 3D modeller because he worked tirelessly and made all the enemy models during the jam.

He even put together last minute snow textures for all the models that didn't make it in to the build, my fault.

Either way thank you for the feedback.

(1 edit) (+1)

The Enemies are awesome, but the Player Mech doesn't look good compared to the Enemies.

Not only the Enemies, also the Environment Models looks pretty nice!

I didn't mean that offensive, sorry if it sounded like.

Its fine, these things are subjective anyway.

The strong colours were in case the snow effects limited vision, perhaps we could of had a more muted the colour pallete a little if we knew it would be brighter etc and easier to see.