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Really great puzzle game.

Nice sounds, nice looks, fits the theme well.

I like the snow effect.

It did make me wonder how much more dynamic it might have been if the enemies could shoot, perhaps on a particular turn in a set direction.

I'm seeing alot of robots in the jam, is it too unbeleivable that a Mech would fly backwards? Perhaps a bigger gun.


Thanks for playing! 

You're absolutely right about the enemy shooting thing. If this was a longer game that would likely be the next twist on the puzzles after the ice tiles. Perhaps I'lll expand on it one day! 

Also fair point about the 'bot' being more robot-like than mecha-like. In my case the explanation is simply that the character had to fit within 16 x 16px, which means that the head has to be about half the sprite to look nice , which in turn gives it that 'bot'-like look.