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Awesome game and lives up to the expectations set by the cover artwork :D

First of all the story and setting are really cool, with the main mech being a sort of surprise superweapon develop to flip the balance on a dire situation.

I also really like how this plays, even for a tracked vehicle you managed tomake it feel nimble enough to outmanoeuvre the Red Claw’s regular tanks especially with the boost.

The models both the main mech and the enemy vehicles and buildings have awesome designs to them as well, and i’m quite impressed by the enemy and building variety showcased here for a jam game :o also digged the way you made the shield on some turrets look, it made me think of how sheilds looked in the old Dune movie so i don’t know if this was an intentionnal nod or not but quite cool regardless :p

The Ui design is also really nice with the screens feeling like analogue screens inside the Mech itself, although one small issue i’ve had is that it tends to get in the way and obscure the view when battling enemies. One other small issue i had as well was that the minimap didn’t show the terrain on the background which made it a bit hard to know where i was going outside of the marked “areas” of enemy bases.

Other than that it’s really an impressive entry, and i like how the leveldesign makes it feel like you’re wrecking havok on someone’s neetly planned RTS bases XD

Good job to all you guys :)


Really appreciate the indepth review and taking the time to play our game.

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it overall.

I too became very lost and I designed the levels, many clever thoughts on how to improve it but a little late in the jam to do anything.

It will be the first big thing fixed in any updates!

Our UIs are on the chunky side... they need to lose some weight.


No worries, i always try to be detailed when giving feedback in hope this helps ^^

But yeah it’s a cool game, and i’m sure the updates will iron things out.

The UI thing can be tricky though cause to be honest i really like chunky diegetic UI elements like this but here i feel that it kinda gets in the way since you see everything in a topdown view and that the whole view rotates when you turn the lower part of the mech, so i’m not sure how you could find a good compromise here, cause it’ll be a shame to just ditch these sick looking monitors :)