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Hello everyone, I got a question. Does anyone know the best way to grind XP? If so, can you tell me how? I want to play around with the body shapes.

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Repeatedly fighting the Bandit Boss or The Beast nets 13k+ and 9k+ experience respectively, tho they grow bigger with every fight. The Beast's size resets if you lose.

You can also go to the prop dungeon that's to the right of where you find the Blacksmith's Key and the first robot arm bandit. That place has most of the enemy types and is a good place to find Essence items. It's also easy to navigate even if you're giant.

Finally, I discovered last night a place across gorge bridge that has Rock Monsters that can give 13k+ XP for the weaker varieties and 40k+ XP for the stronger ones.

If you want to cheese early fights, I recommend employing one the 4 slot mercenaries from the tavern. Solon in particular has good stats that total 1250 levels worth. She's good by default, but if you raise her relation high enough, you can reallocate her stats and she'll bulldoze thru most fights for you.

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Thank you! I'll make sure to keep that in mind! Also, which stats about Solon do you think I should reallocate to? Just wondering.


Size is the most important stat. It's biggest deciding factor on how much damage you do and receive. Otherwise, focus on whatever weapon you have solon equipped with. I think I went with 500 in Size, 500 in Legs, and 250 in Bust. The 250 in Bust probably only helps with AP generation for specials, but I prefer my characters to have some curves up top. ;P


The prop dungeon? You mean the thing thats called the easy dungeon?

Dunno what it's called, just that it has cut outs of barrels all over the place.