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Hello, my name is Richard and I'm a Sound Designer currently enrolled at the University of Silicon Valley. I'm a well experienced Sound Designer particularly for linear media, but I'm familiar with  audio implementation in Unreal Engine and using Wwise as a middle ware. I prefer to join the team as the Lead Sound Designer, but I'm available to work simultaneously as a music composer/sound designer. If your team is still looking for Sound Designer I would love to be apart of it and diversify my professional portfolio.


Discord - wonderworks

Email -

friend request sent, my discord is man_of_south_asian_descent. Would love to have you on the team. I've never used Unreal if I'm being honest and I'll be using Love2D in this jam so if thats something you want to do that'll be great. Not sure what exactly goes into sound design if I'm being honest so I'm hoping to learn a bit too.