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Impressive for a game jam! I had a great deal of fun while playing, although, I do share the criticism of many others about the length of the game and particularly the "timer" mechanic.

Best parts of the game are definitely the subtle details - phone calls, character monologues, the atmosphere around the house and ambiguous antagonist. Sound design was perfect, as well as the visuals. It felt very immersive and at the same time empty - in a good way. I felt creeped out during a certain sequence, although, as I said in the beginning, the game dragged a bit too long. 

I can't say if it was the "Game Jam" or a personal choice, but the timer was very unnecessary. The title sequence was long, the direction of the game was confusing and I found myself lost at times, especially after interacting with every single item in the house. I do think this can be easily fixed with just an update after the Jam ends, because the game has a huge potential. 

In conclusion, good game, but not great. Best of luck with the future developments. Cheers!