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Very good, really has potential if you decide to expand it and push it to steam, adding new features and maybe co-op.

Just one thing that i don't know if it was intentional, when you press SHIFT, the whole stamina bar goes to zero, even if you stay still after you press it, i think it would be better to only drain stamina if you run, and penalize you if the stamina goes to 0, not allowing you to run untill it regens again fully. It would allow the players some stamina management.

For additional content, if you decide to expand the game, there's a lot of things you could add as im sure you're aware, cosmetics, pets, characters(with different abilities maybe?), additional monsters, difficulty settings... and the list goes on. As i said before, a LOT of potential.

Also, i unfortunately cant help you with financial support, but if you ever need help with translation to PT-BR,Brazillian Portuguese, i'd be glad to help!


Thank you so much for your words! Yes, the stamina bar is intended to work like that. I know it's a little weird, but it lets the player decide when it's worth running, knowing that they won't be able to run again for a while. It's like a dash, it will make more sense with the new monsters I'm designing for the new level.


It might make more sense if you just visually redesigned how the stamina information is displayed. fwiw.