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(Below is a Gameplay video but first, my thoughts and review on the game :D)

First off, I really liked the idea of the game and the premise. It was an interesting game however I had a few issues with it.

One or two of the levels, especially the first level was extremely difficult to me. Difficult to the point where I literally had to find a "cheese" to narrowly avoid the debris. In the first one, I had made it completely and was right there at the exit by got hit by a flying object.

Luckily through perseverance, I finally beat all of them except for the first level. I will say though that the game was fun and interesting, I also definitely recommend this game to everyone.

I also found that sometimes the slowmo mechanics end up messing me up and I just end up going too slow. Hopefully in the future the game gets updated so it can be even better!

Thanks for making this game :)