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Remove the lake and this game becomes twice as good. Put the house closer to the cave and it becomes 4x better. Let me pick up wrenches by touching the actual wrench instead of one particular pixel somewhere below it (and same for the DNA strand and stairs) and you've got 5 stars.

Also having ammo refills drop on a random tile does not make a game "roguelike".


Calling it a micro-roguelike was more sarcasm, nodding to the industry’s confusing usage of that term. 

I admit, the wrench (and stairs) hitbox is a bit wacky. The same collision function that worked well elsewhere in the game didn’t work well there. I put as much work into solving it, but had to prioritize other things to get a finished product out the door. 

And I wish I knew the game would be 4x better if players didn’t have to take 10 steps in between the house and cave. That would be an easy fix. ;)