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(8 edits) (+1)

Very creative, live level design xD. Well-thought-out and intuitive puzzle systems,  great job here.
Thing: due to the fact that the mobs are constantly running around, it is often difficult to place them in a certain position, adding to this the inability to plan in a pause, A LOT of frustration and lack of control are added to the game. A possible solution would be to add a "load radius" so that mobs AI  will only launch when the player gets close enough, this  also can tell player when placement will -1 to fair stat. (but this is just a suggestion). In general, solving puzzles in real time adds frustration, whatever you do, even with simpler ideas (I have a real time puzzle game myself).

The art and music fit, but the first is still in the prototype stage. Anyway, this is super fun and interesting, best puzzle game for me so far in terms of mechanics potential. 

And yes, difficulty curve isn't really here xD

P.S. Don't quit working on this game pls :)

Thank you very much for such detailed feedback. Great idea about "load radius", I've thought something like this, but deadline was creeping too fast. And yes, about lack of controls and added frustration you are right. 

"Realtimeness" here was to add more action into the game, because when I was testing separate planning/execution, it always was boring to watch execution. May be that's just for me.

Yep, and difficulty curve :) Don't know, I've solved every puzzle first time :))))

And thank you again for such detailed comment, I love constructive criticism!


"Realtimeness" was great addition, not just for you, player simply needs a little bit more control.