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Honestly, I was going to leave a large response, but I think that ethyl3517 said a lot of what I was thinking.

This game is overall pretty simple right now, but the "revseral" mechanic is genuinely such an interesting addition to this *kind of game*, that I think it really makes it shine as its own thing.

If you add to it and release another build, then I personally would love to see:
- More explored with the Reversal mechanic (Longer time in each "state", and maybe the player chooses an upgrade or boost that's fitting for each state, so that the player feels excited and better prepared)
- Some kind of "buff" to the "ramming" phase, as currently the ship basically cannot use that ability, as it is almost guaranteed to hit a random laser instead.
- "Infinite space" (just have the map look upon itself). It felt pretty bad to hit a Wall in space. If you don't like the idea of a looping map, then consider adding visual indicators and reasons that the player cannot go farther out.


Thank you for the response and taking the time to play it and comment! Like you have noticed many people have been nice enough to give some of their own ideas on the game and what would be good to be added. Hopefully this means that it's a foundation to be built into something good! I do in fact currently plan on continuing this project post-jam, and some of your ideas are already things I wish were in it, and would be if Id had more time! Thank you again and I'm glad you like the mechanic and vision of the game as a whole!