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I've been getting a lot of emails about "Alpha Brotherhood," which I will say I am not interested in. It seems to be a cliché. 

I am, however, interested in "Wand Out" — which I find amusing and sexy — and the last update on that was 2 months ago for a demo. 

I downloaded "Wand Out" from Steam and plan to purchase the *full* game from there — if it is ever finished. 

So, I am wondering if it *will* ever be finished because from the emails I get, it seems like "Wand Out" has all but been forgotten — and the focus now is on "Alpha Brotherhood" *only*.

Is Male Doll still working on "Wand Out" and, if so, when will the next development of it be released?



Hello Tom.

Thank you for your honest feedback. Alpha Brotherhood is our new Patreon/3D game, so we want people that found us due to Wand Out (aka 3D novel fans) to know about our next project. 

Regarding Wand Out, we're not posting any news about it because part of all routes were already released, so our next update will be the game launch. And talking about that, it will happen in August! We're preparing a new trailer and we hope to announce Wand Out's launch date soon.

Victoria / CEO Male Doll