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Would it be possible to explain exactly why this does'nt work with the newer versions of Tiled? I Asked on the Tiled Discord and was told it would be fine if I would simply save it in the older Json format like 1.03 does.
So I upgraded Tiled and until now I see no indication of anything broken.
It works just fine.
I do not want to spread wrong info ofcourse thus it is why i'm asking for the reason.


how do i save it as a older json format? can you help me please?

Go to : Edit>Preferences then click to "Plugins"
There you can uncheck the "json1.dll" and check the "json.dll" (This could be the other way around since I have a custom scipt that fixes this issue myself. I don't remember exactly anymore)

Just check the unchecked one and uncheck the current one ;)

It's a tiny change in the way the json saves in format but it works.

Also Thanks a lot Archeia! It has been 8 months!

Just asking for info here ><