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This is really cool in principle, but it's hard to judge properly when there's not much of an actual challenge yet. Mechanically, it's basically a detective game. What it would have over a standard detective game is that the conclusion isn't "you're either right or you go do it again"; with this you can have half-wins of things like "you got X/3 job boards right" and just keep going with the plot without forcing you to figure out old puzzles. You can also have multiple solutions, and maybe which jobs you post on one day can affect what jobs are available (or even correct) on another.

But as it stands, none of those more complicated ideas are implemented in the game, so it ends up being a rather basic matching game.

Thank you for your feedback. 

As the game stands now, it's more a proof of concept, as I didn't have the full weekend to work on it (and I need to learn more of RPG maker's fancier menu functions). I'll hopefully be able to work in more suggestions in later iterations.