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Good presentation. But almost 3 GB? Not a lot of people will download this just because of that file size. And it's not like the game would lose anything if it was 2d, even. The tavern did look great, but even though there were a lot of different characters in background, every adventurer was the same, and their requests got repetitive. There is no progression or score to keep track of how many quest you completed, you can only lose by failing quests. I am not sure how levels influenced quest failure chance, as level 90+ adventurer failed a quest with three added difficulty (I suppose), and level ~50 could complete max level kill quest when I tried to kill them on purpose. Overall, I think too much time was spent on presentation, which could be used to improve gameplay.


Thank you for the comment. The reason for the filesize is simply because of the fact that we wanted to make it in 3D and use Unreal before we heard the theme, we were aware that the file size might turn people off. As for everything else you said I agree. We realised fairly late in production that the feedback for giving ”bad” quests weren’t enough, but at that point we had to focus on just putting everything together and had to leave it. Thanks for playing!