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i love this

and i really want to see it become better

the main things were that i had no idea what to do, i got a piece of food and then the only thing that worked is to put it in the trash lmao.
Then i put food on the plate and somehow it became a different food?
I got it right that i should put the foods in the same order that it tells me, but not on the bread but on the plate (in hindsight its obvious where i should've put it but yeh)

also at first i thought that the hud thingy that shows the order of things is actually part of the environment, and that im somehow being able to go under it.

Also, when making a burger, add a little "you did it!" animation, or transition, and tell the player how well they did it (time, accuracy (how overcooked stuff is etc))
because as of now you do it and there is no reward! You immediately start all over again but with a different recipe, which doesn't feel different than "you failed", you see what i mean?

But its still so cool tho, i give 5 5 4 stars ))



First of all thanks for playing!

Second you got some pretty spot-on feedback because I believe all the points you raised is something we came across and/or wanted to address but either forgot or didn't have time for. It would have definitely benefited from a success animation or sound, we noticed it felt weird that you couldn't drop "wrong" food except in the trash, and we wanted to put some sort of tutorial in too.

There is actually a "reward", which is points, but it's not clearly presented and since we messed up the timer (I believe it adds like 100 minutes every 4th level) you never see the end screen and thus your never see your scores! So yeah there's definitely some polish left to do. If we do pick it back up after the jam I also believe there's a few feature we still want to implement, so loads to do still.

Anyway, thanks so much for your feedback and for playing the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it so.