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A very cool concept, and personally I liked having to figure out what to do in this case. The mechanic of going into people's dreams and getting items from one to use in the next is very fun, though a few more levels would have helped to make it feel a little more involved.

I did run into one minor issue, when I picked up the fence, didn't yet know that left clicking placing it again, and lost the fence, probably by placing it accidentally in the pitch black area to the side of the level. I had to reload the page to finish it. It was my own stupidty that caused the problem, so decide for yourself whether it's something worth considering.


I'm glad  you liked it. :3 ... We had planned more levels but ended up short on time.

This issue is not something of your stupidity, players were not supposed to be able to lose track of items and we hadn't enough time to fix it. Thanks for your feedback.