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(1 edit) (+2)

The giant frog kept on scaring me half to death LOL, but this game is so so good! I loved the intuitive control pop-ups and how the car handled; definitely one of the most fun jam games I've played so far. The sound is also SO groovy and stands out from the crowd to me; I literally have the game open in the background as I'm typing just to vibe to the music. Great work, team! :)


I'm happy you liked the music :D

Asking because I looked at your profile and I don't see any links; do you have any social media or somewhere I could keep an eye out for your music? I've embarrassingly been listening to Jurassic Frog in the background for a solid 30 minutes during my work day today


This is actually my first public production hehe, I don't have like a soundcloud or anything, I'll let you know once I go official ig