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Amazing game ! I usually would be inclined to rate you less for creativity because it's a really common idea, but the way you executed makes up for it totally! I find the fact that there are bugs and stuff really interesting that adds way more difficulty and fun than other similar games where it's only the snake following you. The game also has an ingame tutorial which I find quite helpful, introducing ideas as you progress and makes the game very easily comprehensible. Although the game is a bit hard not gonna lie, couldn't make it past level 11 with 3625 although the snake caught me a bit off guard haha. Anyways great game, for a common idea, the execution was insanely good which makes it stand out quite a lot.

Yeah, I didn't realize there was going to be so many snake games lmao, but hopefully I put enough of a twist on it to keep it from feeling too obvious. :)

Definitely going to add multiple lives after the jam ends. Thanks for your comment!