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(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

Yes, best option is remove such content as it's much easier solution for me. So will be removing any reference to Mac or Magic Ring game including some characters that will play major role in that game. Means no Tess, no secret animations, most paintings will be removed, no Mac's flash drive, no animations with Wendy Mrs. Hillford or that doll and no photo gallery..


Amazing!! Now we will only have our christian sex! Make Luna say "omg ted, I only love you and will never cheat on you also keep cheating by fucking random ghost cuz that's okay somehow"

(3 edits) (+6)(-2)

it’s a bit dissapointing that you have to change the “Wendys Vessel” plot but atleast you can now remove the “NTR warning” on the front page i guess.