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Another fellow godotter! Cool to see that you used Godot 4, I didn’t risk using it yet cause I feared it would have too much to unveil and lose time

About the game: I loved the increase in difficulty, it kept me engaged the whole time and became quite challenging at the end, really well executed. Also the plot at the end, reversed roles were reversed AGAIN, genius.

Also, something tells me you had fun making the sfx xD 10/10


Haha yeah there are def some bumpy bits in transitioning from 3.5 to 4 but I am having a blast in Godot 4 now. (that being said i still love 3.5)

I am glad the difficulty was to your liking and that you enjoyed the reversed roles reversal. I am ngl I am pretty pleased with that. and yes 100% had way too much fun making the sfx. 

Thank you for the awesome review.