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Loved the idea of switching bodies but i want to give a honest and constructive feedback so im gonna point out somethings. I think the gameplay ideia of switching bodies and having to manage your health to kill enemies and later your self is pretty good, but the gameplay is really repetitive and when you win the round, you could just make a anoucement of the next wave an continue the game as the last character you got instead of restarting it. The map of the game is pretty big, i liked it, but didnt found necessity to doing it so big tho. You should add a health bar too so it gets more strategic and less "pray that i dont die" thing. Also could add a pause/menu button. Last thing is that the menu buttons are bugged, when i click tutorial it goes on options menu and when i click start it goes on instruction menu, took me a while to start the game. Overall, its a pretty good idea but could have been developed better with proper organization.

Thank you for the feedback, and in the web version the buttons are really bugged, but when you download it's normal -^-