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I like your game idea, and I think your style of organizing your to-do's is pretty nice. I think you might benefit from creating a PERT chart or a roadmap with the pieces you have in there. If this really is your first go at making a game, you'll want to learn early on how to manage tasks in a predetermined fashion. Speaking from experience, it helps keep you on track, even if the next step is doing something you don't really want to do (like drawing tiles, my least favorite part of dev), otherwise you may end up only doing what seems "fun" to you. It'll put you way ahead of anyone else here. ;)

Thanks for the great tip! I checked out your log and got a better idea of how to apply a PERT chart in the context of game dev. I will definitely put one together the next time I work on a similar project, especially now that I have a better idea of how long each task roughly takes.


Very nice! If you try to get a CS or software dev degree that'll be one of the most important things you learn about, so use that info wisely!