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this is a cool game! It took me a moment before I realized I had to catch the spy - I thought I was supposed to make a path for the guard that stops them from seeing the spy. But once I understood it it was a fun puzzle game! It would be cool with some more levels

Minor nitpicks: The "try again" button being above the "next level" button made me keep restarting the level by accident. Also I kept wishing I could rotate the level around, because the camera angle is a little weird


Thanks! That would have been an interesting direction to take it, we didn't consider that. We were looking to add mechanics as the shipped mechanics were difficult to write interesting levels around so maybe that was the missing piece to our puzzle.

Thanks for your feedback on the order of the buttons. Next jam I'll spend a few minutes playing games in a similar genre and see how they lay out their buttons so we can make ours feel more familiar. And yep for the camera, I'll think more about that next time.