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(1 edit)

Dear (A?) Little (Thing?)/Jul,

After seeing your 1v1 with Uchiha:

Some tips for you: Even if you have 5 reload speed I recommend you to aim precisely at your opponent. It is much more effective and efficient than "spamming", that is to say the unprecise effort to maximise shooting frequency while approximately directing the arrows at your opponent. Example: Time stamp 0:34

Uchiha used more aim as seen in 0:55 .

If you find this difficult to do, stop jumping too much while aiming or equip focus stats. Furthermore you can practise by using "Auto-shoot".

Hope that helped you 🤗.

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Or instead of saying things that mislead them. Advice them to get used to jumping and recharging at the same time.. Tell him to train ( Tell uchiha) 

Little Thing is a Fearless and one of the best. 

Uchiha as a relatively new and unexperienced player who only recently started playing with bow, got a result of 3-3 against Little on bow 2.

I'm playing wrong..and also I can't use the bow yet..but little is a professional player, so this is an expected result

you played quite impressively against Little, and in my opinion spammed less

thx happy to hear that :D


Are u new or old, if new, don’t doubt little thing. Tought I think that tip is useful for little thing too.. if old.. u have every right to say this :D


i agree with this guy, little thing is a great player but he like to spam


i agree

so there still do exist people who know how used to be, and what spamming is, I am relieved

Lmao! Thx Snadow! Ur a great player too!

no swearwords please (2nd reminder)

what’s the swear word

it is lmao=laughing my ass off

lmao thats funny. how you think "ass" is a swear word lmaoo

ass means donkey too

I play since mid 2021, and I would have the right to give her tips even if I were new :) I know Little and played with her a couple of times


little's spamming is far better than the spamming from street trash nowadays

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spamming is spamming and made her get a 3-3 result only bow 2 against an unexperienced and new fearlessless player


theres a difference between mindlessly spamming and spamming with aim. if youve seen focus key (example vid here) 

you can see he DOES spam but hits most of his shots. spamming mindlessly and quick shooting are different

true thats why i added: unprecise and approximate, little shot at 0:34 about 9 different shots till hitting

Thank you Somebody!

Welcome Little!:D