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The play button somehow didn't show up for me (looks like an problem), but the art looks great, I'd love to be able to play it sometime.

Sorry to hear that, what were you playing it on?

(5 edits)

Update: Pressing enter progressed me to the first textbox of the game, but I could not progress past this point.

I had the same issue, playing embedded on both chrome and brave browsers. My laptop is a Windows 10 version. It ended up stuck on the below image. Hope this was helpful!

Pulling from the inspector I had the following settings:

thanks! We've been hearing about issues for a while now but it seems to be with itch. Have you tried on mobile?

(1 edit)

it should start automatically now, at the "code monkeys" picture hit Z or X to get through the screen. This is a gameboy ROM and the A sbd B buttons are mapped to Z and X