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hehehe this is a good time. I love that you voiced all the characters, and while I kept them on, I also appreciate that you put in the option to turn them off. The different powers were neat, but I found it difficult to switch between them while also aiming and moving. Maybe you could cycle through them with the mouse wheel and toggle them with clicks? I'm not sure.

The way the characters kind of bounce back and forth for their walking animation like they're action figures is a good, economical use of your jam time. It works well, and with only one frame for the character!

This is a fun, charming little game. Well done!


Thanks glad you enjoyed it! And especially glad you liked the voices (didn't know how people would feel about them). Also thanks for pointing out the character walking animation. I know in a way it looks kind of cheap, but I also think it works and it definitely lets me focus on actually making the game.

And ya, the controls are definitely the biggest issue that I'll try to think about resolving. Perhaps having an additional scroll option and then clicking to select (since the mouse buttons aren't actually used at all).

Thanks again for playing and liking it!!