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Nice work! The presentation is great on this - I love the monochrome aesthetic and the little character portraits, and the bullet hell action has some nice crunchiness to it. The spells were a little bit confusing to me - I didn't quite get what the benefit of something like "rotate CCW" was - but eventually a new wave started that made me just explode bullets in every direction and that let me finish the hero off. (Is that a failsafe wave, or did I get lucky?)

I wonder what the hero's Plan B is. :)

The way it works is that you put components together, and when either the timer reaches zero or your health reaches zero, the spell you built becomes your new spell. There isn’t a failsafe wave, you just built a really effective spell! I should probably work a bit on conveying that idea more effectively.

As for Plan B… I imagine she needed some sort of artefact for Plan A, and while she doesn’t strictly need it, saving the day becomes a lot more dangerous without it.